
  • 17% Fee
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • 12 Week Rebate
  • Screened Candidate Shortlist
  • Exclusive


  • 20% Fee
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • 12 Week Rebate
  • Screened Candidate Shortlist
  • Non-Exclusive

Retained Search

  • 25% Fee
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • 12 Month Guarantee
  • Market Mapping
  • Competitor Outreach
  • Screened Candidate Shortlist
  • Exclusive


We're a B2B tech startup and have raised our seed round and now need to build a marketing function, however we need to be careful of cash flow. Can you help us?
Yes. For pre-Series A companies, we can set up longer payment terms.
What is the exclusivity period on the Priority service?
The exclusivity period on the Priority service is 4 weeks.
What do you mean by 'exclusivity'?
Exclusivity means we're the only recruitment agency working on the project. If you also want to hire for the role through your own recruitment or HR team, that's fine.
Do you negotiate on your terms?
Compared to our competitors we are confident our fees are competitive but in certain situations we do have some flexibility e.g. for pre-series A startups. If you'd like to discuss this please book a call with us and we'll see if we can help you.
What do you charge your fee on?
Our fee is charged on the starting basic salary.
What are your payment terms?
Our invoices are payable 30 days from when the candidate starts with you.
What is your 12 week rebate?
Our 12 week rebate is as follows; 0-4 weeks - 100% 5-9 weeks - 50% 10-12 weeks - 25%
Will an experienced recruiter be our dedicated account manager?
Our account managers all have over 20 years commercial and recruitment experience so you'll be talking to professionals who have a deep understanding of both hiring and B2B tech marketing.
How do I know you'll spend enough time on my project?
We're not a volume based recruitment agency and only ever work with a small number of clients at any one time. As a result, our placement rate is far higher than recruitment industry standards.
I'm really busy, will you save me time?
The majority of our clients are marketing leaders who are hands on and run smaller marketing teams, so we understand how busy you are. And whilst we won't guarantee that recruitment won't add to your workload, we have a number of areas that we can implement to save you time but still hire the best person.
What is the 12 month guarantee on your retained search service?
If a candidates leaves within the first 12 months, then we'll replace the candidate for free (save for redundancy).